Invitation for Abstract Submission Now Closed. 

Submission Expectations


Please include the following necessary information in your submission:

  • Name and e-mail address of person submitting the abstract.
  • This person will be the contact for the submission and receive all applicable information regarding acceptance and presentation details.
  • Name and e-mail address for each presenter.
  • Degrees, title, affiliation, city for each presenter.
  • Brief biography for each presenter (up to 75 words).
Word Count and Format

Please review the following expectations for successful acceptance of abstract submissions:

  • Word count: up to 500 words, excluding the category and title.
  • Format: please prepare your abstract in paragraph format utilizing the headings outlined below.
  • Category: theme or leadership development.
  • Workshop title.
  • Workshop description.
  • Learning objectives (a minimum of three) and how it aligns with the conference theme and/or leadership development.
  • Significance or importance of the information being presented, highlighting fundamental leadership development, novel and/or innovative aspects.
  • Presentation level (introductory, intermediate, advanced) to reflect the level of previous knowledge or leadership experience the participant is expected to have to participate in the workshop.
  • Participant engagement tools such as activities, reflection, Q&A, polls/surveys, etc. to improve the quality of the learning experience.
  • Short 2-3 minute video showcasing your facilitation or presentation skills if available.
Submission Evaluation and Selection Process

Abstracts will be blind reviewed by the conference Planning Committee and decisions to accept or release will be based on the following:

  • Alignment with the conference theme and/or enhancing leadership development.
  • Clearly articulated, concise and focused description, learning objectives and presentation format.
  • Originality and innovation.
    Presents ideas, information and initiatives that are relevant and applicable to participants.
  • Ability to generate dialogue, learning, and participatory growth for participants.
  • Incorporate feedback from previous CCPL presentations, if applicable.
  • Facilitation or presentation skill level
Acceptance Terms and Conditions
  • For each abstract selected, CCPL is pleased to offer complimentary conference registration for up to two speakers per workshop, who are welcome to attend the full conference. We are also exploring options to provide a workshop honorarium.
  • In order to promote diversity and exposure to facilitators, we urge each individual to submit up to a maximum of two workshop abstracts.
  • Presenters at the conference are encouraged to turn their workshop into an article for publication in the Canadian Journal on Physician Leadership. For more information on submitting to the Journal, please visit CJPLAuthors.